Media Advertising Rates

RUN OF THE PAPER - black & white pricing

Ad Size Dimensions in mm (HxW) Casual Contract*
10cm x 3 column 100mm x 107mm $400 $340
10cm x 4 column 100mm x 144mm $490 $420
20cm x 3 column 200mm x 107mm $610 $560
10cm x 7 column 100mm x 255mm $660 $580
20cm x 4 column (1/4 page) 200mm x 144mm $740 $640
35.3cm x 3 column 353mm x 107mm $1105 $900
24cm x 5 column (Half Page) Vertical 240mm x 181mm $1155 $1035
18cm x 7 column (Half Page) Horizontal 180mm x 255mm $1155 $1035
Full Page no bleed (inside trim area 353mmx256mm) 370mm x 2270mm $2025 $1700
Full Page (including 5mm bleed) 380mm x 280mm $2025 $1700
To add process colour additional - $200
*Contract applies to 3 or more bookings a year


Ad Size Dimensions in mm (HxW) B&W Colour
5cm x 2 column 56mm x 70mm $100 $170
5cm x 4 column 56mm x 144mm $190 $260
10cm x 2 column 115mm x 70mm $190 $260


Raw copy - (components to be made up) - Three weeks prior to publication date.
Digital files - One week prior to publication date.

Please Note

- Advertising rates are exclusive of GST
- All rates are non-advertising agency commission bearing
- Advertising production costs included
- Rates are effective from June 2024


Ad Size Dimensions (Width x Height) Rate
Back Cover 230mm x 280mm* $1500
Inside Front 230mm x 280mm* $1350
Inside Back 230mm x 280mm* $1350


Ad Size Dimensions (Width x Height) Rate
Double Page 460mm x 280mm* $1400
Full Page 230mm x 280mm* $800
Half Page (H) 210mm x 125mm* $500
Half Page (V) 101mm x 260mm* $500
Quarter Page (H) 210mm x 70mm* $300
Quarter Page (V) 101mm x 125mm* $300

* Please add 5mm bleed all way round to the final supplied file. Image area size is 10mm inside the trim

PLEASE NOTE: Advertising production costs are included where necessary - All rates are advertising agency commission bearing - GST is not included

Technical Specifications

We are Mac based and can accept digital files on DVDs/USB or sent via email/ internet. All full page advertisments are to have 5mm bleed added all way around. We are unable to accept film or bromides.

We can accept files in the following formats:

- Indesign CC 2023 & Quark Xpress 2019 (please supply all links and fonts used)

- Illustrator files up to version CC 2023 (Please ensure that all text is converted to outlines with links and logos supplied.) The file must be an eps.

- Photoshop files up to version CC 2023 (If you are supplying the working file please ensure that all fonts used are supplied with the job otherwise an .eps, .tiff or .jpeg is fine. Please make sure that the file has been created at 300 pixels per inch at the required ad size.)

- PDF files - Please make sure the file is high-res, all fonts are embedded and the file is set to the required measurements for the job.

- Graphics - please ensure that the file is an eps, tiff or high resolution jpeg

(the file resolution must be a minimum of 300 dpi).

- Text - can be supplied in a word document, text file, or in the body of an email.

Not Acceptable - Please note that files supplied from the list below are not acceptable! (eg: Pagemaker, Corel Draw, Publisher, and Freehand).

Pictures downloaded from the internet are not acceptable if they are low resolution or copyright protected!

If you have any queries over material/specifications please contact Kim McKenzie (021) 546632 or email

To book your advertisement please contact Sheri Glover (09) 263 5305 or email